what is the definition of consumer behavior?
According to Sabine Kuester, Strategic Marketing and Marketing in Specific Industry Contexts,
2012, consumer behavior analysis is the study of individuals, groups or
organizations and the processes utilized by them to select, purchase,
use and dispose of products, services, experiences, ideas etc and the
effect of such choices upon the society in general. Consumer behavior
analysis consists of the following aspects:
- The subjects of research for consumer behavior analysts covered through consumer behavior assignment help are individuals, groups and organizations.
- It is study of a product being purchased, used and disposed off. Since disposal of a product is related to environment thus consideration of natural factors also comes under analysis, explain our consumer behavior assignment help experts.
- Services of products sold — covered through consumer behavior assignment help — also come under its purview.
- Finally, consumer behavior analysis also deals with the impact of consumer choices on society in general, mention the consumer behavior assignment help experts.
Know more through consumer behavior assignment help or consumer behavior essay help.
Why should we do consumer behavior analysis?
There are four main areas of application for consumer behavior, explain the consumer behavior assignment help experts. They are:
- Marketing strategy
Consumer behavior analysis is mostly
used in determining the marketing strategies of big companies, state our
consumer behavior assignment help experts. Here are few instances of
how marketing strategies are influenced by consumer behavior practices:
- According to the in consumer behavior assignment help experts, the fact that consumers are more receptive to food products ads when hungry determines the scheduling of such ads late in the afternoon.
- Similarly, the consumer behavior assignment help experts state that by understanding that few consumers like to experiment with new products, companies keep their initial prices low to achieve the break-even point.
- Public policy
Consumer behavior — as covered in our
consumer behavior assignment help material — profoundly impacts public
policies. Smoking of cigarettes and other tobacco products and
consumption of alcohol impact how public policies shape the
advertisements of such products, mention the consumer behavior
assignment help experts. Tobacco companies are required to provide
disclaimers and show graphic images of lung infections in order to
inform the consumers and help them make an informed decision. Know more
through consumer behavior assignment help.
- Social marketing
to the consumer behavior assignment help experts, social marketing in
aims at getting messages across to the consumers rather than selling a
product. For instance, if the target is to prevent the transmission of
diseases like HIV etc through sharing of needles by illegal drug users
is the goal, then simply trying to reduce the number of illegal drug
users is not a realistic goal. As such, advising them to put the needles
in bleach before sharing them is a much more realistic goal, state the
consumer behavior assignment help experts. Realizing consumer choices
can help to determine the marketing strategies. Know more through
consumer behavior research paper help or consumer behavior assignment
- Consumer choices
Consumer behavior study can help not
only producers but also consumers, clearly state our consumer behavior
assignment help experts. For instance, common sense informs us that
buying 64 units of liquid detergent bottles may be a better choice than
32 bottles since one would have to pay a lesser price per unit, mention
the consumer behavior assignment help experts. However, by buying such
large quantities of product, the consumer has to pay size premiums.
Thus, knowing this will help a consumer to make better choices and check
the unit cost labels before buying a product, the consumer behavior
assignment help experts add.
For better understanding, take consumer behavior assignment help.
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